An important takeaway that I took from this module was how to incorporate technology into our lesson plans. This was a question I constantly asked myself throughout this course so far and I am thrilled to have it answered. This module taught me not to base the lesson on the technology but instead to come up with the lesson and then add in technology where it will fit. Another takeaway I took from module 6 was backward design. This was a foreign concept to me but after reading over the lesson and diving in I think this is a tool I will use throughout my career. Backwards design basically has you assess what the students already know and what they should know by the end of a lesson. The way I look at it, it's almost a goal to reach as a teacher. The last takeaway I want to address is planning the learning process. This is something that ties in with both of my other takeaways. Planning your students learning process along with what they will be learning is so important. Without a plan of how they are learning, how is the teacher really ensuring their learning experience? Essentially, planning your students learning process involves asking questions about your lesson then answering them for yourself.
This website found in the module 6 resources was extremely helpful for me and interesting to look over and explore. This link took me to a website full of resources for teachers of all areas. They have different subjects grouped out so that you can find educational websites for any subject you are looking for. I hope to keep this resource so that I can use it in my career as a teacher. This youtube video on formative assessment was extremely helpful in understanding how to use this method. This took me into the classroom and showed me how this method looks while taking action with it. Formative assessments are so important to the growth of students because without them it can be difficult to see where the student stands in your classroom. I don't think I have a muddiest point with this module, everything was pretty clear and to the point with the extra resources given to us. I am so thankful i've had the opportunity to learn all of these things about the classroom that I wouldn't have known before.
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